Community Transformation Center of Santa Cruz
Automatic Contributions
The Center 903 Pacific Ave 300 Santa Cruz, Ca, 95060
Contact Us
903 Pacific Ave #300
Santa Cruz Ca, 95060
What if I don’t have a bank account, or a card, or just don’t feel comfortable with the automatic options?
•Our solution to those who can’t do automatic payments for any reason, is simply to volunteer and access/ expand your networks to sign at least one other person up as an official member. That way you will be a member of the larger network, and by association a member of the Center.
•Before you get someone else signed up as a member, we already consider you a member of the center, and would like to work with you and your situation to make it work so that you can become a member ASAP.
•We of course encourage everyone who is a member by association to give one-time donations often.
•Who ever you sign up as a member is part of your network, and you are responsible for keeping them networked and keeping their membership active into the future.
•There is more information and training that you can go through to learn more about signing up people as members of the center.
•Lastly, if even this option doesn’t work for you, then all we can offer right now is to wait until the center is financially stable, and then we will be completely 100% FREE for everyone in the community and won’t need to worry about money as much. But until then, we have to get our rent paid, and need people who will help.